Friday, 11 April 2008

the case of the mystery blogger

You have to respect a blogger's privacy... and i will always do that, but what is the etiquette when it comes to impersonating another blogger?

So, a new friend told me about her blog the other day; it was about 5am and everything was flowing nicely, but even as the words came out of her mouth a strange expression appeared on her face which could be interpreted as horrified, surprised, confused and panicked - at the same time (which to be fair is pretty impressive)

Then followed a week of me trying to get her to share the web address - she's a funny girl and if there was a website out there that has her amusing ramblings on I want to read it. Anyway, out of the blue I get a facebook message asking for an email address for her to send me some stuff from her (now defunct) blog. Fine. Something vaguely amiss there maybe as she was so against it, but hey, keep an open mind...

I read a couple of posts and just can't accept that she gave up writing a blog a year ago.... so the digging begins. I copy and paste a sentence of a post in to google - hmmmm, low and behold it returns ONE result.

This is where I find out that she is Brad, and clearly has a girlfriend AND a penis. So I send a casual facebook message saying I've found her blog online. She says "really?" then goes quiet for an hour.

Then comes a full and frank confession, along with a link to her real blog. Which is very good.

I don't know why she impersonated someone who wasn't as witty... and I'm not sure whether it breaks some secret code for bloggers....? I'm too new to this stuff to know.

Maybe I'll do some more digging.