Friday, 10 October 2008

the final frontier......

I have known Mars for six months, most of the time she has been in the UK, in fact I remember the date I first met her as it was the day after I had been mugged (attempted mugging as I refused to give the mugger my bag). This greatly amused Mars, for what exact reason I cannot remember, but it was probably the fact that the story involved two (yes TWO) people falling over, something I would later come to realise is the thing she finds funniest in the world.

Anyway, I know her better now as she has been living with me for the past four months and I can fully recommend her as an interesting, funny and opinionated (in a good way) person, who has easily integrated into the Manchester scene and my group of friends. Although I’m not sure why she couldn’t just remind me she wanted me to write this thing in person instead of through her anonymous persona.....

Don’t worry Mars, will email you the proper one ....

1 comment:

Mars said...

hahaha... it was more the story itself than the reminder that you hadn't written the thing. what you did write was v nice though..!

ps sorry if i woke you up.. didn't think you'd have been asleep yet!